Verse 1
What can wash away my sin'
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again'
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
O precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow.
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Verse 2
For my pardon this I see;
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this my plea;
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Verse 3
Nothing can for sin atone.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Naught of good that I have done.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Verse 4
This is all my hope and peace,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
This is all my righteousness.
Nothing but the blood of Jesus..
Verse 5
Glory! Glory! This I sing,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
All my life my cry shall be
Nothing but the blood of Jesus

Hymns for the Christian Life (Deluxe)
Artist: Keith and Kristyn Getty- Christ Is Risen
- Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed
- Oh How Good It Is
- Oh, How Good It Is
- A Mother s Prayer
- A Mother
- A Mother's Prayer
- Simple Living A Rich Young Man
- Simple Living (A Rich Young Man) [feat. Ricky Skaggs]
- Simple Living (A Rich Young Man)
- Before You I Kneel A Worker s Prayer
- Before You I Kneel (A Worker
- Before You I Kneel (A Worker's Prayer)
- The Village Reel
- The Perfect Wisdom Our God
- The Perfect Wisdom Of Our God
- Kyrie Eleison
- My Heart Is Filled Thankfulness
- My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness
- In Christ Alone
- In Christ Alone [feat. Alison Krauss]
- Nothing but the Blood
- Holy Spirit With Gabriel s Oboe
- Holy Spirit / Gabriel
- Holy Spirit / Gabriel's Oboe - Medley
- Shout for Joy The New Hundredth
- Shout For Joy (The New Hundredth)
- Gethsemane
- Echoes of Heaven Wedding Song
- Echoes Of Heaven (Wedding Song)