Erosions of minds, bodies, and souls...
this world's standard contaminate the life.
Follow the material, philosophical,
and the religious utopias.
Enslaved by the darkness, visions become absurd,
leading to a path of death where no one shall reign.
Only regret and endless pain that exist.
Overcome your illusions, join war against the powers,
against principalities, spiritual rulers of this world.
The freedom has been proclaimed,
a victory through the bloodshed
by the strength of His power and might.
No one else shall claim to be the winner.
The Truth is here for the living,
let it become our influence
and used as the armor of battle.
Now, brutally we declare the war!
Come to our reality, join war against the powers,
against the principalities,
spiritual rulers of this world.
Militia Christi,
breaking the rules and traditions
that kept us all in chains of ritualistic vain.
Forever change the essence of religions,
love is the new law for all mankind.
The Truth is here for the living,
let it become our influence,
and used as the armor of battle.
Now, brutally we declare the war!