I wanna know why the Son went down
A simple matter but I just don't understand
To leave a throne in Heaven for a man
Must be the greatest love
The shadows grow as the light retains
Just like three thousand years ago
Before the rain
Blind lead the blind in a selfish rage
Will we ignore the pain
I wanna know
Can You see me
I wanna know
Can You help me
I wanna know
Can You save my soul
With the love you've shown the world
The tide is rolling in
It won't be long
The earth is churning evidence that can't be wrong
Not meant to last are the things we see
But is the soul forever can it be
Now I know why the Son went down
A simple matter but I know I understand
To leave a throne in Heaven for a man
He is the greatest love
The light that shines in me
The light He gives
The darkness gone and what once
Was dead now lives
Inside the everlasting hope of love
Awaits the Lord above
And now I know
You can see me
And now I know
You can help me
And now I know
You can save a soul
With the love You've shown the world
And now I know
You can save a soul
With the love You've shown the world
And now I know