I am the Edison phonograph, created by the great wizard of the new world to delight those who would have melody or be amused,
I can sing you tender songs of love,
I can give you merry tales and joy of laughter,
I can transport you to the realms of music,
I can cause to join in the rhythmic dance,
I can lull the babe to sweet repose or waken, in the aged heart, soft memories of youthful days,
No matter what me be your mood, I am always ready to entertain you,
When your day's work is done, I can bring the theatre or the opera to your home,
I can give you grand opera, comic opera, or vaudeville,
I can give you sacred or popular music, band, orchestra, or instrumental music,
I can render solos, duets, trios, quartets,
I can aid in entertaining your guests,
When your wife is worried after the cares of the day, and the children are boisterous, I can respite the one and quiet the other,
I never get tired, and you will never tire of me for I always have something new to offer,
I give pleasure to all, young and old,
I will go wherever you want me: in the parlour, in the sick room, on the porch, in the tanks or to your summer home,
If you sing or talk to me, I will retain your songs or words and repeat them to you at your pleasure,
I can enable you to always hear the voices of your loved ones, even though they are far away,
I talk in every language; I can help you to learn other languages,
I am made with the highest degree of mechanical skill,
My voice is clearest, smoothest, and most natural of any talking machine,
The name of my famous master is on my body, and tells you that I am a genuine Edison phonograph,
The more you become acquainted with me, the more you will like me - ask the dealer.