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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Just The Beginning
Artist: Kurt Carr- The Beginning
- Overture
- Peace and Favor Rest on Us
- Grateful People Grateful Praise
- Grateful People Grateful Praise (featuring Nakitta Clegg-Foxx, Donyle Jones)
- God Is a Healer
- God Is A Healer (featuring Kurt Carr
- God Is a Healer Reprise
- God Is A Healer (Reprise) (featuring Gene Moore, Jr.)
- I Am the One
- I Am The One (Luke 17:11) (featuring Nikki Potts
- Kurt Ministers
- Just the Beginning
- Just The Beginning (featuring Kurt Carr
- Introduction
- I Believe God
- I Believe God (featuring Timiney Figueroa-Caton)
- Right Time Right Place
- My Shepherd
- My Shepherd (Psalms 23) (featuring Kurt Carr
- Testimony
- Spiritual Makeover
- Spiritual Makeover (featuring Nakitta Clegg-Foxx)
- Great Jesus
- Blessed Be the Rock
- Blessed Be The Rock (featuring Michelle Prather
- Blessed Be the Rock Reprise
- Blessed Be The Rock (Reprise)
- Ten Thousand One Million
- Ten Thousand One Million (featuring Vonnie Lopez)
- Introducing Narcissus Hinton Brown
- Introducing Narcissus Hinton-Brown
- Don t Let Your Light Go Out
- Don
- We Exist to Give You Praise
- We Exist To Give You Praise (featuring Yvette Williams