Tailor-made to overflow,
Tailor-made to overflow,
Tailor-made to overflow,
Tailor-made to overflow.
Dogfish Jones, Dogfish Jones.
He creeps inside your bones and steals you from the ones you love,
Sinks you far from home and keeps you from the God above,
Rescue this victim, captive genius,
Rescue this victim, captive genius.
Dogfish Jones, Dogfish Jones.
Rescue this victim, captive genius,
Rescue this victim, captive genius.
How can you say such things to me'
How can you say such things to me'
Dogfish Jones, (burries his bones in a lonely old hole)
Dogfish Jones. (burries his bones in a lonely old hole)
Dogfish Jones, he burries his bones in a lonely old hole,
Dogfish Jones, he burries his bones in a lonely old hole,