"Like the Golden Sun Ascending SHZ 110:1,4,2"
by Laestadian Lutheran ChurchAlbum: A Lamb Goes Forth: The Passion of Christ in Songs
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A Lamb Goes Forth: The Passion of Christ in Songs
Artist: Laestadian Lutheran Church- O Redeemer, Shepherd Loving SHZ 75:1,7,8,9
- O Purchased Flock of Zion SHZ 89:1 \ A Way to Calv?ry Leadeth SHZ 77:3?6
- A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth SHZ 72
- Come and See Our Savior Suff?ring SHZ 95:1,4,5
- O Jesus, Grant, in Faith Always Beholding SHZ 98a:1,4?6
- Behold the Tender Bridegroom SHZ 90
- Well of Love and Mercy Fountain SHZ 104:1,2,4
- Rise, O Soul, Distressed and Weary SHZ 291:1,6,8,10
- O Sacred Head, Now Wounded SHZ 94:1,5
- There Is a Place of Sweet Repose SHZ 83:1,5,6,9,10
- O Jesus, Bridegroom, Dear and True SHZ 78:6,5,7,8
- Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee SHZ 105
- Like the Golden Sun Ascending SHZ 110:1,4,2
- Rejoice, O Flock of Children! SHZ 117
- Believers, Join in Praise and Song SHZ 114
- Jesus Lives! SHZ 113
- In Thee Is Gladness SHZ 327