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Album Tracks
Within the Gates of Zion
Artist: Laestadian Lutheran Church- I Turn My Gaze Unto Heav?n on High SHZ 453a
- There Many Shall Come from the East and the West SHZ 405a
- Children of the Heav?nly Father SHZ 395
- O Gracious Lord, Uplift Us SHZ 158
- O Jesus, Joy and Safety SHZ 380
- Come with Us to His Temple SHZ 154
- The Man Is Blest SHZ 175
- The Lord, My God, Be Praised! SHZ 331
- The Cross May Be a Burden SHZ 355
- Now My Burden of Sin Is Forgiven SHZ 348
- The Greatest Gift Is Love SHZ 417
- O Holy Lamb of God! SHZ 603
- The Peace of God Be with You! SHZ 218
- To Our Blest Creator SHZ 353
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