i was standing on the corner
when i heard my bulldog bark
i looked up into the sky
i saw lights moving
through the dark
they were coming down from Heaven
each one was brighter than a star
and i said to my bulldog
i wonder what they are
i couldn't run i could not swallow
i could only shake with fear
they were coming toward me
and they were getting near
i heard people screaming around me
in the darkness of that night
then i fell in silence
i was blinded by the light
i felt my body drop off me
like an old black overcoat
i heard my bulldog howl
and i began to float
aow and as that light came down around me
well i could not see a thing
but i could feel a Presence
and i heard Voices begin to sing
tell you what
how can i tell you what happened
i don't know what happened
i was just standing there with my bulldog
and i saw this light in the sky
ok i'll tell you i'll try to tell you
the next thing i remember
well someone grabbed my hand
i felt my spirit flying
far above the land
no no no i was flying whooo
harmonica and guitar
i was standing at the gates of Heaven
when a hand reached out to touch my head
then i fell through a hole in Heaven
i landed back in my bed
i started weeping i felt so lonely
and my soul began to scream
had it just been my imagination
well it seemed so much more real than a dream
i couldn't believe it
i was still standing there in bed
with this crazy vision
going round and round in my head
i say what was i to think
i mean what was i to do
oh somebody gotta help me
this can't be real
watch out
now if you see me standing on the corner
and you hear my bulldog bark
you better look up in the sky
in case there's something in the dark
sometimes i stay here until its morning
and i look up in the sky
because you've got to be ready
if you want to see the Light
i'm just standing on the corner
looking for something that was
prophesied by the wise
and foretold by the old
don't be standing in the darkness
like a man who's lost his way
because he let his lamp go out
because he wasn't prepared
for the undeniable arrival
of the Judgement Day