In the midst of the war he offered us peace,
He came like a lover from out of the east
With the face of an angel and the heart of a beast,
His intentions were six sixty six.
He walked up to the temple with gold in his hand,
And he bought off the priests and propositioned the land,
And the world was his harlot and lay in the sand,
While the band played six sixty six.
We served at his table and slept on the floor,
But he starved us and beat us and nailed us to the door.
Well, I'm ready to die, I can't take any more,
And I'm sick of his lies and his tricks.
He told us he loved us, that was a lie,
There was blood in his pockets and death in his eyes.
Well my number is up, and I'm ready to die,
If the band will play six
If the band will play six sixty
If the band will play six sixty six.

In Another Land 30th Anniversary Edition
Artist: Larry Norman- The Rock That Doesn t Roll
- I Love You
- I ve Searched All Around
- Righteous Rocker 3
- Deja Vu If God Is My Father Why Don t You Look Into Jesus
- I Am A Servant
- The Sun Began To Rain
- Shot Down
- Six Sixty Six
- Diamonds
- One Way
- Song For A Small Circle Of Friends
- Hymn To The Last Generation
- BONUS Looking For The Footprints
- BONUS Dreams On A Grey Afternoon
- BONUS Six Sixty Six Alternate Version
- BONUS Strong Love Strange Peace
- BONUS Dear Malcolm Dear Alwyn
- BONUS Joyful Delta Day
- BONUS I Don t Believe In Miracles With Musical Guest Dudley Moore