Peace I give you peace I leave,
My forgiveness, take and eat.
This is My body given for you;
Take in remembrance of Me.
This is our freedom, this is our life –
His body broken, His sacrifice.
This is our freedom, this was the cost,
The blood He shed on the cross
Grace I give you, grace so free.
My forgiveness, take and drink.
This is my blood poured out for you;
Take in remembrance of Me.
This is our freedom, this is our life –
His body broken, His sacrifice.
This is our freedom, this was the cost,
The blood He shed on the cross
Love I give you, love I leave.
Go and share it, go in peace.
You are my body, My hands and feet;
Live in remembrance of Me.
This is our freedom, this is our life –
His body broken, His sacrifice.
This is our freedom, this was the cost,
The blood He shed on the cross
Music Video