It's the only thing she ever wanted all of her life / To fall in love and be a good wife / They said a vow and she took his name, fifteen years ago today / But now they're living separate lives in the same old house / They used to be in love, but they've forgotten how / It's been so long, the flame is gone / Their hearts are beating but they're barely hanging on // When you feel like something's missing / And your world is crashing down / When the house you've built is falling into pieces on the ground / When it feels like there's no way to fix what's wrong / Love is strong, and God can heal this home // They used to have dinner by candlelight / They used to hold hands and dance in the moonlight / And like a picture in a frame, they thought that it could stay that way / Yeah, they were living in a world of make believe / And they couldn't see the cracks growing underneath / But God restores and opens doors to the love, to the life they're looking for // Sometimes you gotta let go / That's when love can grow / So let the tears fall down / Oh, in your weakness God is strong / He's been there all along and He's holding you right now