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Album: Easter: Quartets Sung from the Lutheran Hymnal
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"The Day of Resurrection!"
by Lutheran Hymn ProjectAlbum: Easter: Quartets Sung from the Lutheran Hymnal
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Album Tracks
Easter: Quartets Sung from the Lutheran Hymnal
Artist: Lutheran Hymn Project- The Day of Resurrection!
- At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing
- Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain
- Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
- The Strife Is O'er, the Battle Done
- Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds
- With High Delight Let Us Unite
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, Alleluia!
- Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands
- Christians, to the Paschal Victim
- Christ Is Arisen
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!
- Day of Arising
- Alleluia! Christ Is Arisen
- Thine Is the Glory
- Alleluia! Jesus Is Risen!
- Awake, My Heart, with Gladness
- Now the Green Blade Rises
- Hallelujah! Jesus Lives!
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