(Chorus)I'm moving Forward*Just one word* Forward*It ain't about my past*it's about my future*Forget those things behind me*pressing towards those things before me*Forward*Forward*(Verse 1)Look at me*I'm free*can't you see*I'm sin free*and I don't care*what you think you know about me*What you saw me do or say*or where I was yesterday*all I know is *Today The Lord took me in * and He washed me*He cleansed me in His precious Blood*made me whole and showed me love*I never felt nothing like it*Yes, He's my God and I like it*He keeps my soul safe from danger*closer than a friend *no, He's not a stranger*I'm not the same anymore*never looking back with God* I'll be moving*(Chorus)I'm moving Forward*Just one word* Forward*It's now about my past*it's about my future*Forget those things behind me*pressing towards those things before me*Forward*Forward*(Verse 2)True we do all fall short*but with God I don't expect to anymore*because greater is He that is within me*than He that's is in the world*I ain't got time to be thinking bout what I did*or where would I be*if I didn't do this*cause God is still God*and He's good to me*and I ain't got no time to worry*I should have been dead*sleeping in my grave*But You said No!*Ole death *Behave*You came into my life*and picked me up*my head you raised*You didn't give up on me*and today I can say I'm saved*I just can't go back now*I'll follow You Lord* and I'm moving*(Chorus 2x)