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Repertoire for Women
Artist: Manitou Singers- Awake and Sing
- Missa Brevis: 1. Kyrie
- Tantum Ergo
- Lift Thine Eyes
- A Maid Peerless
- Missa Brevis: 2. Gloria
- E'en So Lord Jesus
- Petite Mass: Kyrie
- God Be In My Head
- Missa Brevis: 3. Sanctus
- Now Is the Summer Springing
- Petite Mass: Gloria in excelsis Deo
- How Excellent Thy Name
- Missa Brevis: 4. Benedictus
- Lenten Litany
- Petite Mass: Sanctus
- Songs of Innocence: A Cradle Song / Spring / Piping down the valleys
- Missa Brevis: 5. Agnus Dei
- Gloria
- Petite Mass: Agnus Dei
- Linden Lea
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- Ubi Caritas
- Study War No More
- Ah! Si mon moine voulait danser
- The Ships of Arcady
- Exaltation
- Wings of Morning
- Missa brevis in c minor: Kyrie
- Fly, Singing Bird
- O Sacrum Convivium
- Vestigia
- Missa brevis in c minor: Gloria
- Three Folk Songs: 1. Dago Inang Sarge
- Little Fire
- Claire de Lune
- Missa brevis in c minor: Sanctus / Agnus Dei
- Three Folk Songs: 2. Shalom Chaverim
- The Lone, Wild Bird
- Three Songs of Innocence: The Shepherd
- Come, All Musicians, Come
- Three Folk Songs: 3. Sakura
- A Midsummer Nights' Dream, op. 61: Act II, Chanson et choeur de F?es
- Three Songs of Innocence: The Echoing Green
- Ave Maria
- In the Beginning
- Heart We Will Forget Him
- Three Songs of Innocence: The Lamb
- Go Down Moses
- I Will Sing with the Spirit
- Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
- Blessing
- Ave Maria, Op. 12
- O Pastorelle, Addio
- I Am My Brother's Keeper
- May There Always Be Sunshine
- Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
- He's Gone Away
- Cantate Domino
- Away from the Roll of the Sea
- Jehovah, Hear Our Prayer
- Go Where I Send Thee
- Ride On, King Jesus