What am I supposed to learn'
What am I supposed to learn'
I haven't learned it yet
Smoke another cigarette
Say another prayer
I go to meet the judge
She don't care
What I have to say
Only what I have to wear
Got some public defense started to fear
When he itched a hundred dollar bill with his ear
Reached in my pocket pulled out a tear
What am I supposed to learn'
What am I supposed to learn'
The defenders and the jail senders have got in together
There's a cold wind in the court house no one knows about
Except for the offender
Strip down naked fast as you can
Take a shower with another man
Come back, pick up a jump suit
Slip into a pair of Vans
What am I supposed to learn'
What am I supposed to learn'
What am I supposed to learn'
What am I supposed to learn'
I haven't learned it yet
I haven't learned it yet
Smoke another cigarette