Depth of mercy, can there be mercy still reserved for me'
Can God his wrath forbear' Me, a sinner, spare'
There my saviour stands, holding out his wounded hands,
God is love, I know, I feel he loves me still.
My master I've denied and I have crucified,
I've profaned his hallowed name, put him to an open shame.
There my saviour stands, holding out his wounded hands,
God is love, I know, I feel he loves me still.
And I know...I know that he loves me still,
Oh, he loves me still,
And I know...I know that he loves me still,
He loves me still.
Mercy, can there be mercy still reserved for me'
Can God his wrath forbear' Me, a sinner, spare'
There my saviour stands, holding out his wounded hands,
God is love, I know, I feel he loves me still,
God is love, I know, I feel.
Oh, loves me still,
Loves me,
Oh yes,
Yes, he loves me still.