What does it take to wake up a globe that's
been flying high on deceit'
what does it take to wake up the world that's
been flying high on a cocktail of lies'
Tottering like a hut in the wind, like a drunk
man reeling to and fro
Transgressions are heavy upon it.
The earth mourns and fades, languishes away,
the haughty and the proud go with it
The earth is defiled by the keepers thereof
They have broken the ecerlasting covenants
and nature they have tried to defy
Transgressions are heavy upon it.
Heaven is seeking for those who cry
Among the nations, does anyone sigh
For the world and its people who buy the lie'
Lovers of truth, arise and weep
Gather together, wake up the church
In a scred assembly, come pray
the only solution, the return of the son
He is coming to judge the earth, to make the
wrong things rigth
Only those who love Him survive.
the oppresssor will break the back of the ones who love not the truth but the lie
Delussion's wave sweeos the people away whit
chants of "Peace and safety"
But there's no peace until He returns
Only those who love Him survive.
Jesus is seeking for those whos will pray
Among the nations will He find faith
when the world and its people buy the lie
Lovers of truth arise and sing.