Song Lyrics
Album: The Eyes Of All Look To Thee With Hope
"O My Most Blessed Queen"
by Monastery Choir of St. John of San FranciscoAlbum: The Eyes Of All Look To Thee With Hope
O my Blessed Queen
O Theotokos my hope
Guardian of orphans
Intercessor for strangers
Joy of the sorrowful
Protectress of them all
Thou seest my misfortune
Thou seest my affliction
Help me for I am weak
Feed me for I am a stranger
The lowest mine offense absolve it as thou wilt
For I have no other help beside thee
No other intercessor
Not good consoler except thee
O Mother of God
To thou preserve and protect me
Unto the ages of ages of men
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Album Artwork

Album Tracks
The Eyes Of All Look To Thee With Hope
Artist: Monastery Choir of St. John of San Francisco- The Lord
- Anaphora
- Psalm 33
- Koinonikon for Sundays
- Koinonikon for Friday
- The Eyes of All Look to Thee
- It is Truly Meet
- Koinonikon for St. John
- Cherubikon
- Litany of Peace
- You are a Priest
- Open to Me the Doors of Repentance
- O My Most Blessed Queen
- Kyrie Eleison
- Matins Resurrectional Troparion
- Hymn of Ascent in Tone 4
- The Lord's Prayer
- O Joyous Light
- Trisagion
- Song of St. Symeon
- Rejoice, O Virgin
- Troparion and Kontakion of St. John
- Canticle Nine (Magnificat)
- Tone 5 Funeral Sticheron
- Psalm 50
- Litany of Peace in Mode 1
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