What would you give to have
Your conscience clear'
What would you do to make
Your sins disappear'
Come with me
Let me introduce you
How would it feel to have
Your innocence back'
Can it be done' As a matter-
Right this way
Can't wait to introduce you
I know you think of Him
Once in a while
The time has come for you
To reconcile
Meet your maker
He could be your father - your
Meet your maker
May be sooner, may be later
But someday you'll
Meet your maker
There's one appointment
Every soul will keep
You're just a breath away
So don't you sleep
Till you go
And fall upon His mercy
Life has given you a
Window, see
Maybe your only
Turn around
Your only hope is mercy
I know you've thought
Of this a time or two
Don't hesitate. You must
Be ready to
This can be good or bad
Which way will you
Be going
Seek, while He may be found
Drink, while the mercy's flowing