Don't they see the sky burning and claiming every hope'
Can't they feel the earth breaking and scattering the fold'
This act surely is past the scope of clemency and any shroud of mystery.
Lets return now; say the word and we'll retreat to better scenes.
Coastlines and mountainsides, perfection dripping from the seams.
How could miracles reveal the mysteries and end in tragedy'
Don't let them boast.
They'll claim the victory if you give up the ghost.
I stand awaiting the call for the rescue.
One word and empires fall.
You're calculating the point for your next move, but this is taking too long.
Has courage fled for newer brides, and traded truth for alibis, that I alone of dozen strong should witness your demise'
Before your mothers eyes,
Whisper "relief."
I know you have the power!
Is this the way it's supposed to be, the shepherd slain by all the sheep'
They're cursing your name.
You're fading away.
When will the empire fall'
They spit in your face.
It's more than I can take.
Is this the end of it all'
Don't touch him; this man has done nothing wrong.

This Is Rescue EP
Artist: My Epic- Shadows
- And We Were So Close to Perfection
- The Common Curse
- The Making of a Recluse
- En Machaerus