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Due to lack of resources, we regret to say that we are yet to add the lyrics of this song. If the lyrics is not provided with the official release of a song/album, we usually transcribe them to provide lyrics references as soon as possible. We have a very long list of songs that without lyrics. To help us determine which song to prioritize, kindly LIKE this page or leave a facebook comment at the bottom of this page.
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Look Forward
Artist: Nathan Jacobs- The Building (feat. Isaac J. Phillips)
- Ladies
- Faith (feat. Jahana Jones)
- Sweet, Sweet Spirit (feat. Pyerce Oates)
- So Lost (feat. Isaac J. Phillips)
- Perfect Love (Marry Me) [Live] [feat. Jeff Murrell]
- Speak Life (feat. Tia Sharee
- The Rhythm of Life (Remix) [feat. Demetrious Johnson
- Look Forward (feat. Shawnique Jacobs)
- Drum Verses
- Perfect Love (Will You Marry Me) [Live] [feat. Jeff Murrell]
- Show Me Your Face (Live) [feat. Jeff Murrell
- No Separation (feat. Gil Hamm Jr.)
- In the Moment (feat. Demetrious Johnson)
- Drum Solo
- Earth Tones
- The Rhythm of Life, Vol. I (feat. Gil Hamm Jr.)
- Show Me Your Face (feat. Anthony Tony Walker)
- Let the Drummer Get Some