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Complete New English Hymnal Vol. 20
Artist: Newcastle Cathedral Choir- On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry
- Where Is This Stupendous Stranger
- Word of the Father
- We Sing the Glorious Conquest
- O Most Merciful
- Hail to the Lord Who Comes
- The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King
- Christian, Dost Thou See Them
- God Everlasting, Wonderful and Holy
- Now My Soul, Thy Voice Upraisinig
- According to Thy Gracious Word
- Only Begotten, Word of God
- Father of Heaven
- A Brighter Dawn Is Breaking
- Jesus Our Master
- Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care
- Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love
- As We Remember, Lord
- O Vision Blest of Heavenly Light
- Be Thou My Vision
- Fight the Good Fight
- Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name
- Hark! The Sound of Holy Voices
- Jesus Call Us!
- I Danced in the Morning