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Album Tracks
Hymnz Unlimited
Artist: Nii Okai- Benedicite, Omnia Opera
- Anwanwa Do (Come Let Us All Unite)
- Anwanwa Do (Come Let Us Sing)
- Anwanwa Do (And Can It Be)
- Sing We the King
- Adoremus (All Creatures of Our God and King)
- Adoremus (O Worship the King)
- Adoremus (Praise to the Lord)
- Adoremus (When Morning Gilds the Sky)
- Adoremus (Saviour, Blessed Saviour)
- Adoremus (Fairest Lord Jesus) [feat. Eyra Tamakloe]
- Adoremus (Crown Him with Many Crowns)
- Ko-Yi-Ko-Ko (O Thou Who Camest from Above)
- Malaika (Hark, Hark My Soul) [feat. Dieu Donnee Anyekase]
- Cathedral (A Safe Stronghold)
- Cathedral (Jesus Shall Reign)
- Cathedral (Be Thou My Vision)
- Cathedral (Begone Unbelief)
- Cathedral (Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By)
- Happy Man
- Altar Call (Come Sinners to the Gospel Feast)
- Altar Call (Hark My Soul)
- Altar Call (My Faith Looks up to Thee)
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