"Poetry: O Cruor Sanguinis (O Bloodshed)"
by Norma GentileAlbum: Healing Chants, Vol 1: Hildegard of Bingen
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Healing Chants, Vol 1: Hildegard of Bingen
Artist: Norma Gentile- Introduction: Space Behind Your Heart
- O Quam Mirabilis (O What A Miracle)
- Hildegard
- Caritas Abundant (Loving Tenderness Abounds)
- Poetry: O Pastor Animarum (O Shepherd Of Souls)
- O Pastor Animarum (O Shepherd Of Souls)
- Poetry: O Cruor Sanguinis (O Bloodshed)
- O Cruor Sanguinis (O Bloodshed)
- O Dulcissime Amator (O Sweetest Lover)
- Cum Processit Factura (Proceeding From The Finger Of God)
- Vos Flores Rosarum (You Who Are Rose Blossoms)
- Poetry: O Magna Res (O Greatness Of All)
- O Magna Res (O Greatness Of All)
- O Vos Imitatores (O You Who Mirror The Most Eminent One)
- Studium Divinitatis (Divine Devotion)
- Unde Quocumque Venientes (Wherever They Went)
- De Patria (From Their Homeland)
- Deus Enim (Therefore God In The First Woman)
- Aer Enim Volat (Even As The Air Flies)
- Et Ideo Puellae (For That Reason These Young Girls)
- Deus Enim Rorem (God Showered Them In Dew)
- Sed Diabolus (But The Devil In His Envy)
- Introduction: O Vis Eternitatis
- O Vis Eternitatis (O Strength Of Eternity)
- Poetry: O Creation Of God
- O Factura Dei (O Creation Of God)
- Blessing