Album Tracks
Creations Praise Worship (Instrumental Worship
Artist: Oasis Worship
  1. Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) (Springtime Brook
  2. Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) - Springtime Brook
  3. Change My Heart Oh God (Autumn Wind Rustling Leaves - Instrumental)
  4. Change My Heart Oh God - Autumn Wind Rustling Leaves - Instrumental
  5. Here I Am to Worship (Forest Breeze
  6. Here I Am to Worship - Forest Breeze
  7. In Christ Alone (Lake Bankside - Instrumental)
  8. In Christ Alone - Lake Bankside - Instrumental
  9. Come Now Is the Time to Worship (Thunder Storm - Instrumental)
  10. Come Now Is the Time to Worship - Thunder Storm - Instrumental
  11. Lord I Lift Your Name on High (Quiet Bay
  12. Lord I Lift Your Name on High - Quiet Bay
  13. The Power of the Cross (Humpback Whalesong - Instrumental)
  14. The Power of the Cross - Humpback Whalesong - Instrumental
  15. How Deep the Fathers Love (Summer Cicadas - Instrumental)
  16. How Deep the Fathers Love - Summer Cicadas - Instrumental
  17. God of Wonders (Exotic Garden with Insects - Instrumental)
  18. God of Wonders - Exotic Garden with Insects - Instrumental
  19. Majesty (Bubbling Ground Spring - Instrumental)
  20. Majesty - Bubbling Ground Spring - Instrumental
  21. More Love More Power (Windy Seashore Waves - Instrumental)
  22. More Love More Power - Windy Seashore Waves - Instrumental
  23. Open the Eyes of My Heart (Early Morning Pond Life - Instrumental)
  24. Open the Eyes of My Heart - Early Morning Pond Life - Instrumental
  25. Seek Ye First (Dolphin Chatter - Instrumental)
  26. Seek Ye First - Dolphin Chatter - Instrumental
  27. Wonderful Merciful Savior (Running Waves out at Sea - Instrumental)
  28. Wonderful Merciful Savior - Running Waves out at Sea - Instrumental
  29. As the Deer (Mountain Stream - Instrumental)
  30. As the Deer - Mountain Stream - Instrumental
  31. The Lord's My Shepherd (Townend Tune) (Grazing Sheep
  32. The Lord's My Shepherd (Townend Tune) - Grazing Sheep
  33. Shout to the Lord (Songbirds - Instrumental)
  34. Shout to the Lord - Songbirds - Instrumental
  35. There Is a Redeemer (Rainforest - Instrumental)
  36. There Is a Redeemer - Rainforest - Instrumental
  37. The Power of Your Love (Jungle Waterfall - Instrumental)
  38. The Power of Your Love - Jungle Waterfall - Instrumental
  39. How Great Is Our God (Forest Drizzle
  40. How Great Is Our God - Forest Drizzle
Song Lyrics

"Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) - Springtime Brook"

by Oasis Worship
Album: Creations Praise Worship (Instrumental Worship

Lyrics is not yet available.

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Due to lack of resources, we regret to say that we are yet to add the lyrics of this song. If the lyrics is not provided with the official release of a song/album, we usually transcribe them to provide lyrics references as soon as possible. We have a very long list of songs that without lyrics. To help us determine which song to prioritize, kindly LIKE this page or leave a facebook comment at the bottom of this page.

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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

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Album Artwork
Album Tracks
Creations Praise Worship (Instrumental Worship
Artist: Oasis Worship
  1. Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) (Springtime Brook
  2. Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) - Springtime Brook
  3. Change My Heart Oh God (Autumn Wind Rustling Leaves - Instrumental)
  4. Change My Heart Oh God - Autumn Wind Rustling Leaves - Instrumental
  5. Here I Am to Worship (Forest Breeze
  6. Here I Am to Worship - Forest Breeze
  7. In Christ Alone (Lake Bankside - Instrumental)
  8. In Christ Alone - Lake Bankside - Instrumental
  9. Come Now Is the Time to Worship (Thunder Storm - Instrumental)
  10. Come Now Is the Time to Worship - Thunder Storm - Instrumental
  11. Lord I Lift Your Name on High (Quiet Bay
  12. Lord I Lift Your Name on High - Quiet Bay
  13. The Power of the Cross (Humpback Whalesong - Instrumental)
  14. The Power of the Cross - Humpback Whalesong - Instrumental
  15. How Deep the Fathers Love (Summer Cicadas - Instrumental)
  16. How Deep the Fathers Love - Summer Cicadas - Instrumental
  17. God of Wonders (Exotic Garden with Insects - Instrumental)
  18. God of Wonders - Exotic Garden with Insects - Instrumental
  19. Majesty (Bubbling Ground Spring - Instrumental)
  20. Majesty - Bubbling Ground Spring - Instrumental
  21. More Love More Power (Windy Seashore Waves - Instrumental)
  22. More Love More Power - Windy Seashore Waves - Instrumental
  23. Open the Eyes of My Heart (Early Morning Pond Life - Instrumental)
  24. Open the Eyes of My Heart - Early Morning Pond Life - Instrumental
  25. Seek Ye First (Dolphin Chatter - Instrumental)
  26. Seek Ye First - Dolphin Chatter - Instrumental
  27. Wonderful Merciful Savior (Running Waves out at Sea - Instrumental)
  28. Wonderful Merciful Savior - Running Waves out at Sea - Instrumental
  29. As the Deer (Mountain Stream - Instrumental)
  30. As the Deer - Mountain Stream - Instrumental
  31. The Lord's My Shepherd (Townend Tune) (Grazing Sheep
  32. The Lord's My Shepherd (Townend Tune) - Grazing Sheep
  33. Shout to the Lord (Songbirds - Instrumental)
  34. Shout to the Lord - Songbirds - Instrumental
  35. There Is a Redeemer (Rainforest - Instrumental)
  36. There Is a Redeemer - Rainforest - Instrumental
  37. The Power of Your Love (Jungle Waterfall - Instrumental)
  38. The Power of Your Love - Jungle Waterfall - Instrumental
  39. How Great Is Our God (Forest Drizzle
  40. How Great Is Our God - Forest Drizzle
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