"Daa Ke Daa (Forever and Ever) (Live) (Live)"
by One Voice Choir GhanaAlbum: OUR NEVER-ENDING EXALTATION (O.N.E) (Live)
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
Artist: One Voice Choir Ghana- All People That On Earth Do Dwell (Live) (Live)
- Daa Ke Daa (Forever and Ever) (Live) (Live)
- My Saviors Love (Live) (Live)
- Nyame Ye (God is Good) (Live) (Live)
- Mepe Jesus (I Choose Jesus) (Live) (Live)
- Psalm 23 (The Lord Is My Shepherd) (Live) (Live)
- Yesu Nenyimnyam (The Glory Of Jesus) (Live) (Live)
- Ebi Nko (Live) (Live)
- Do Nku Wo Wola Dzi (Remember Your Creator) (Live) (Live)
- We Know Not The Time (Live) (Live)
- Onward Christian Soldiers (Live) (Live)
- Nkunimdie Frankaa (Flag Of Victory) (Live) (Live)
- Adwomto Ye Enigye (Live) (Live)
- Sing Unto The Lord (Live) (Live)
- Mede Aseda Bema Yehowa (Live) (Live)