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Album: The Voices of Liberty
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"America the Beautiful (Reading From Emma Lazarus' Poem)"
by Pacific Pops OrchestraAlbum: The Voices of Liberty
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Album Tracks
The Voices of Liberty
Artist: Pacific Pops Orchestra- The Star-Spangled Banner
- America the Beautiful (Reading From Emma Lazarus' Poem)
- God Bless America (Reading from John F. Kennedy Inaugural Speech)
- the Battle Hymn of the Republic (Reading from the Gettysburgh Address)
- We Shall Overcome (Reading from Marting Luther King Jr. Speech)
- The Pledge of Allegiance America
- Pearl Harbor Revisited (An Armed Forces Medley)
- The Four Freedoms
- September 11, 2001 (A Remembrance Elegy)
- Im Coming Home (A Soldier's Letter)
- This Is My Country (Reading from the Declaration of Independence)
- Amazing Grace (An Anonymous Poem)
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