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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
![Down Under Album Artwork](
Down Under
Artist: Patch the Pirate- Down Under Medley
- The Crew Veers Off Course (Dialog)
- Put On Your Running Shoes
- The Sinister Giant Squid
- You Reap What You Sow
- The Crew Meets Billy Bong Boomerang (Dialog)
- God Sees the Heart
- Billy Teaches the Low of the Boomerang (Dialog)
- Kookaburra
- Wombrats and Boxing Kangarudes (Dialog)
- Lend a Hand
- Waltzing Matilda and Joey Make New Friends (Dialog)
- Turn Them Into Friends
- Pixie Learns to Trust the Lord for Everything (Dialog)
- Come, Lord
- The Crew Is Attacked At Boomerang Bluff (Dialog)
- Nothing but the Blood
- Billy Bong
- In Everything Give Thanks
- The Crew Is Trapped in a Missile (Dialog)
- Lord of All
- Billy Bong Saves the Crew (Dialog)
- Mean Ole Mister Devil
- Squash the Squid Is Buried in Gold (Dialog)
- The Boomerang Song