My faith is out at sea, the storm is raging in
I don't know if I can bear this again
Trying to hold on but I'm blown and tossed by wind
Will this fear and doubt ever end
And in the dark and bitter night, I put up my fight
In a battle that You already won
Make me steadfast in Your never-failing love
Be my strength cause I'm not strong enough
And when I'm overtaken by the storm
Help me surrender
To the waves that push me near to You, my Rock
God I know that this pain will turn out for my good
And that You love me and call me Your friend
But fear and doubt are keeping me from believing what I should
So I look to Your promises again
And in the dark and bitter night, I put up my fight
In a battle that You already won
Purge me and I will be made clean
Wash me whiter than the snow
Let me hear joy and gladness
Let me hear Your voice
Let the bones that You have broken rejoice