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"Sea Creature" by Paul Q-Pek - Touch The Ground
Song Lyrics

"Sea Creature"

by Paul Q-Pek
Album: Touch The Ground

There are wonders in the ocean that the beach does not know,
The waves have power...power over me,
Safe in the boat, I believe this ship will hold me up...but even the sailors believe I must go down deep to know the sea.

A heart filled with war, forced to decision,
The wind and the waves say, "Come,"
Now wet in the water, with one hand still on the boat - one last touch of security,
I need help to let go,
The waves drive the boat from me.

I must go down deep, down deep,
I must go down deep to know the sea.

My strength is gone; I know it is done,
Surrender to the sea,
One last look at the sky, the last with these eyes,
A breath, then down,
Can't hold any longer,
The old air escapes to the surface and the sea rushes inside me.

Black, losing...losing control,
At the mercy of the ocean,
Now there are new eyes, new vision,
Moving as one with the water.

I must go down deep, down deep,
I must go down deep to know the sea,
I must go down deep, down deep,
I must go down deep to know the sea.

Down deep, down deep,
I must go down deep to know the sea,
I must go down deep, down deep,
I must go down deep to know the sea,
I must go down deep, down deep,
Must go down deep to know the sea,
I must go down deep, down deep,
I must go down deep to know the sea.

Safe on the land, you try to visualise the ocean, but if you've seen me you've seen the sea.

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