When the weight of the world begins to showWhen the flames of faith begin to die before I knowTime to be rekindled by the everlasting sourceThe all consuming fire, illuminating force
Like a blacksmith, bellows aimHe fans the embers to a flame
I'm all fired up, I'm all fired upThere's a flame burning in my soulAnd my heart is a burning coalI'm all fired up, I'm all fired up
Those who wait up on the LordFind their strength has been restoredThe flames of renewal burn within ]I'm all charged up in my spirit againI'm all fired up, I'm all fired up tonight
I've been told not to let my feelings goI've been told my emotions never had the right to showBut I have this feeling burning deep within my heartWon't wait to let this heavenly celebration start
When the spirit gives me the nodI'll get excited 'bout the things of God
I feel my faith renewing, I feel revival brewingAll over the world there's a burning desireI feel the church is stirring and it's gonna keep occurringTill we're all baptized in His Holy Fire

40th Anniversary
Artist: Petra- Why Should The Father Brother
- Why Should The Father Bother?
- Killing My Old Man
- Chameleon
- For Annie
- Without Him We Can Do Nothing
- The Coloring Song
- Angel Of Light
- Road To Zion
- Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows
- Judas Kiss
- Judas
- All Over Me
- Stand Up
- Bema Seat
- Graverobber
- Grave Robber
- Judas' Kiss
- Beat The System
- More Power To Ya
- God Gave Rock And Roll To You
- Voice In The Wind
- Thankful Heart
- This Means War
- This Means War!
- Godpleaser
- He Came He Saw He Conquered
- He Came, He Saw, He Conquered
- Not By Sight
- All Fired Up
- Hit You Where You Live
- Beyond Belief
- Creed
- Dance
- Sight Unseen
- Midnight Oil
- Enter In
- Jekyll Hyde
- Jekyll
- Holy Is Your Name New Recording
- Holy Is Your Name