He came alone into the battle; he knew nobody else could face his foe,
He left his throne, he left his glory; he knew nobody else could ever go,
He called the bluff, he took the challenge, he came into this world to seek and save,
No one could know, no one could fathom: the way to win was only through the grave.
They laid him in his tomb,
They thought they'd sealed his doom,
But he arose, he arose.
He came, he saw, he conquered death and hell,
He came, he saw, he is alive and well,
He was, he is, and only he forgives,
He died, he rose, he lives,
He came, he saw, he conquered.
The doors were locked, they heard him knocking - they were afraid they would be taken too,
Familiar voice said, "Come and follow; come and see the things the Lord can do,"
They went to where he lay; the stone was rolled away,
He arose, he arose.
He came, he saw, he conquered death and hell,
He came, he saw, he is alive and well,
He was, he is, and only he forgives,
He died, he rose, he lives,
He came, he saw, he conquered.
He came into this world, he saw humanity,
He heard the SOS; he met the enemy,
The enemy was conquered,
The enemy was conquered.
He rose, he arose.
He came, he saw, he conquered death and hell,
He came, he saw, he is alive and well,
He was, he is, and only he forgives,
He died, he rose, he lives.
He came, he saw, he conquered.
He arose, (he arose)
He arose, (he arose)
He arose, (he arose)
He arose, (he arose)

Petra Means Rock
Artist: Petra- Stand Up
- Get On Your Knees And Fight Like A Man
- Hit You Where You Live
- Killing My Old Man
- Shakin The House
- Second Wind
- Clean
- Not By Sight
- All Fired Up
- Praise Ye the Lord
- He Came He Saw He Conquered
- Without Him We Can Do Nothing
- Angel of Light
- Judas Kiss
- Let Everything That Hath Breath
- Counsel of the Holy
- God Gave Rock and Roll To You