The Levites returned with the Ark of the Land
The presence and strength of the God they adored
The temple was shut with the gatekeepers near
The priests would sing out till their nation could hear
Be lifted up everlasting doors
The King of Glory shall come in
Who is this King of Glory'
The Lord strong and mighty
Open your gates to the Lord of Hosts
Who is this King of Glory'
The Lord mighty in battle
The King of Glory shall come in
The King of Glory shall come in
Who can ascend to the hill of the Lord
Those with clean hands and an innocent heart
Who can be found in His holy place
Those who are humble and seek his face
Now we are the temple, He dwells in our hearts
The priesthood of faith that His Spirit imparts
This King is the One who can save from sin
He stands at the door and He wants to come in

Petra Praise - The Rock Cries Out
Artist: Petra- I Love The Lord
- King Of Kings
- Jesus Jesus Glorious One
- The Battle Belongs To The Lord
- Jesus, Jesus, Glorious One
- Take Me In
- Salvation Belongs To Our Lord
- Salvation Belongs To Our God
- The King Of Glory Shall Come In
- No Weapon Formed Against Us
- I will Celebrate
- I Will Sing Praise
- Hallowed Be Thy Name
- I Will Celebrate / When The Spirit Of The Lord
- Friends
- I Will Call Upon The Lord
- We Exalt Thee
- Friends (All In The Name Of God)