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Piano Renditions of The Rolling Stones
Artist: Piano Project- 19th Nervous Breakdown
- Angie
- As Tears go By
- Beast of Burden
- Bitch
- Brown Sugar
- Can't You Hear Me Knocking
- Connection
- Dead Flowers
- Factory Girl
- Fool to Cry
- Get Off My Cloud
- Gimme Shelter
- Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby (Standing in the Shadow)
- Honky Tonk Woman
- It's all Over Now
- It's Only Rock N' Roll
- Jumpin Jack Flash
- Lady Jane
- The Last Time
- Let's Spend the Night Together
- Miss You
- Moonlight Mile
- Mother's Little Helper
- Paint it Black
- Rip This Joint
- Ruby Tuesday
- Satisfaction
- Shattered
- She's so Cold
- Shine a Light
- Start Me Up
- Street Fighting Man
- Sway
- Sweet Virginia
- Time is on My Side
- Torn and Frayed
- Tumbling Dice
- Under My Thumb
- Waiting on a Friend
- Wild Horses
- You Can't Always get What You Want