"A Prayer of Remembrance and Hope (Psalm 89c) / Forever We Will Sing (Psalm 89d) [Morgan, Tel]"
by Princeton Seminary Touring ChoirAlbum: Sing Praise to the Lord! Songs from Psalms for All
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Sing Praise to the Lord! Songs from Psalms for All
Artist: Princeton Seminary Touring Choir- I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me (Psalm 15c)
- Lord, Listen to My Righteous Plea (Psalm 17c) [Otte]
- The Lord Is My Light (Psalm 27b) [Bouknight]
- While I Keep Silence (Psalm 32c) [Wright]
- Chuy
- Dios Es Nuestro Amparo / God Will Be Our Refuge (Psalm 46b)
- God Is Our Refuge and Strength (Psalm 46e)
- Ten Piedad De M? / Lord, Have Mercy On Me (Psalm 51e) [Grull?n]
- Why Do the Powerful Have It So Good? (Psalm 73c) [Donaldson]
- O God, Your Deeds Are Unsurpassed (Psalm 75a) [Morgan]
- Hear My Cry, O God, and Save Me! (Psalm 77a) [Morgan]
- A Prayer of Remembrance and Hope (Psalm 89c) / Forever We Will Sing (Psalm 89d) [Morgan, Tel]
- Mah Gadlu / Oh, How Great Are Your Works (Psalm 92b)
- Sing a Song to God (Psalm 96e) [Feliciano]
- Not Unto Us, O Lord of Heaven (Psalm 151b)
- B
- Up to You I Lift My Eyes (Psalm 123b) [Turl]
- Unless the Lord Builds the House (Psalm 127b) [DeMey]
- Praise the Lord Who Heals (Psalm 147b) [Agatep]
- Sing Praise to the Lord, You People of Grace (Psalm 150a) [Leckebusch]