Good news Christ is returning / Good
news now the world is learning / Good
news Christ is returning / And Jesus gonna
bring us on home
Good news well I feel alright / Good news
here come like a thief in the night / Good
news He's gonna take us in flight / When
Jesus comes to bring us on home
Good news we're gonna live forever /
Good news floating light as a feather /
Good news we can all be together / When
Jesus comes to bring us on home
Oh, yeah, ain't that real good news / Oh
yeah, ain't that real good news / Go on
hang up your blues
Good news . . . ain't that real good news /
Good news . . . ain't that real good news /
Good news . . . ain't that real good news /
Jesus gonna bring us on home
Oh yeah, ain't that real real good news /
ain't that real real good news / Oh yeah,
ain't that real good news / Go on hang up
your blues
Good news Christ is returning / Good
news now the world is learning / Good
news Christ is returning / And Jesus gonna
bring us on home
come down make you feel alright / like a
thief in the middle of the night / come
down make you feel alright / like a thief in
the middle of the night