Amplified branded in the back of the brain
And let it bang till it's raining all up on my parade
I'll set it straight like a great heterosexual date
Then detonate like a missile in the midst of Kuwait
I'll crack a cold can of Duff and purposely fall in love
With bartenders that filled my mug with the drug that I chugged
Once I quit guzzling the muzzle just stuck
Ain't no way to disrupt the hustle of this thug
Crenshaw Boulevard I kid you not
Man if you fit the description you might get injured or shot
It's a sinister plot against us and all that we got
I'll tell you all of this stress is stressful and adds to a lot
I've got to hand it to cops and all their registered props
They got my brother, my father, uncles and grandpa on lock
Now how the heck can I heckle 'em when I'm raising their children
And pray for the day that we have a family reunion
Our styles will enlighten
From Mercury beyond
Freestyling or writing
Come on and sing the song
Any kind of rhyme fighting
We gotta put it on
Yeah we gotta put it on
Yeah we gotta put it on
Coming up shorter than a hobbit out of Lord of the Rings
Or maybe Willow, little brownie on a pelican's wing
You're like a delicate thing just bubble wrapped in its packaging
Fragile like a Fraggle Rock character, a lima bean
Badda bing, badda boom, this ring is platinum approved
Get out the way, move out, excuse me, I just had to intrude
I'm a transient supernatural adaptable shrewd
A pattern addict cypher hungry inexplicable dude
Crackling like a hickory fire, crown me with barbed wire
I am delighted to represent this present/past/prior
Higher than the highest of highesmen
Surprise men with writing all lined from the scribes of a fine pen
My cro-magnun magnum is packed, it scatters admirable raps
Rat a tat tat and they duck, and no one is bucking 'em back
Tackling and cracking their backs, immaculate rappers apart
We have enough youth, how 'bout the fountain of smart'
You oughta be automatically out of your seat
With your noggin bobbing completely in sync with me and the beat
And I be the R to the C dawg I gots a daughter to feed
Down with Othello and Lojique, watchamacallit, enough about me
I've heard about you and them crowds that crowd around you
And they give you props cause you supply the pot and so they won't boo
I'm like a helicopter chopping with my blades upside down
I keep the crowd and surroundings astounded, come to my side of town
What would you do if you where walking to school
And you see your little homie getting jumped by some crew'
Would you run to it or from it'
Would you turn pink and vomit'
Would you have a 22, a pocket knife, or a promise'
You're telling me, homie I know some might just let it be
Me, I'll turn to Diamond Dallas Page with a DDT
Easily, both our lives are apples and oranges
Against us or for us, it's time to chant to the chorus