"With Grateful Joy (A Doxological Offertory)"
by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan and the River's VoiceAlbum: Worldmaking
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Artist: Richard Bruxvoort Colligan and the River's Voice- O Holy One (An Invocation)
- Perfect Love
- Whole and Holy, Called in Christ
- Gloria! (A Gloria)
- Ground and Source of All That Is
- Hidden With Christ
- O Tender God, Have Mercy (A Kyrie)
- Come, Holy Spirit (A Lesson Response)
- Brother Jesus
- Alleluia
- Your People Lament
- More Than We Can Ask
- Blessed Be Children
- With Grateful Joy (A Doxological Offertory)
- Open Unto Me
- People of God (A Greeting)
- Holy, Holy, Holy One (A Sanctus)
- The Gifts of God (A Call to the Meal)
- O Christ, Lamb of God (An Agnus Dei)
- Christ Is Coming (A Joyous Memorial Acclamation)
- God of My Breathing
- O Author of Faith
- All of Us Belong
- In the River of Your Grace
- Thank God and Sing Praise (A Post-Communion Canticle)
- O Christ, Surround Me
- To Be Faithful
- Holy One, Now Let Your Servants Go in Peace (A Nunc Dimittis)