"I Give Myself Away (Live) [feat. Love of Jesus Church]"
by Robert StearnsAlbum: Rosh Hashanah at the Eastern Gate, Live; Let Incen
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Rosh Hashanah at the Eastern Gate, Live; Let Incen
Artist: Robert Stearns- Waiting Here for You (Live) [feat. Point Lookout Community Church]
- One Voice, One Love (Live) [feat. Philadelphia Tabernacle of David]
- Faithful (Live) [feat. Resting Place Hop]
- I Give Myself Away (Live) [feat. Love of Jesus Church]
- Prayer (Live) [feat. Word of Life Christian Ministries]
- Shekinah (Live) [feat. Concerts of Prayer Greater Ny]
- Prayer for the Prodigal (Live) [feat. Firesong Ministries]
- As the Deer (Live) [feat. Gateway City Church]
- Great I Am (Live)
- Joy of the Lord / Praise for It (Live) [feat. Combined Regional Team]
- I Exalt Thee / Worthy of It All (Live) [feat. Calvary Tabernacle]
- Our God (Live)