"Descendant of Shinobi / Cait Sith's Theme / Wall Market (From "Final Fantasy VII")"
by Ronny ZimmermannAlbum: The Great Final Fantasy VII Medley
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The Great Final Fantasy VII Medley
Artist: Ronny Zimmermann- Trail of Blood / Those Chosen by the Planet / Staff Roll (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Bombing Mission / The Highwind Takes to the Skies (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Descendant of Shinobi / Cait Sith's Theme / Wall Market (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Under the Rotting Pizza / Barret's Theme / World Crisis (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Main Theme / Aerith's Theme / Ahead On Our Way / Staff Roll (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- On That Day 5 Years Ago / Anxious Heart (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Mako Reactor / ShinRa Company / Judgement Day (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Farm Boy / Wutai / Interrupted by Fireworks (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Listen to the Cries of the Planet / Lifestream / The Great Warrior (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Cosmo Canyon (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- One-Winged Angel (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Weapon Raid / Fort Condor / ShinRa's Full-Scale Assault (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony / Gold Saucer / Electric De Chocobo (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Boss Battle (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Honeybee Manor / Cid's Theme (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- The Mako Cannon / Hurry Faster (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- JENOVA Absolute / J-E-N-O-V-A (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Birth of A God / Fighting (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Flowers Blooming in the Church / World Crisis (From "Final Fantasy VII")
- Main Theme / Holding My Thoughts in My Heart (From "Final Fantasy VII") - Bonus Track