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The First Promise (A Seed Of Hope)
Artist: Saccoh- In the Beginning (Creation and Covenant)
- The Fall of Man (A Broken Promise)
- The First Promise (A Seed of Hope)
- The Flood (Judgment and Mercy)
- Abraham's Call (A Promise to a Nation)
- Isaac's Blessing (The Line of Promise)
- Jacob's Dream (The Ladder to Heaven)
- Joseph's Journey (From Pit to Providence)
- The Exodus (Freedom Through God's Might)
- The Law Given (Sinai and the Covenant)
- Wilderness Wanderings (A Test of Faith)
- The Conquest (Claiming the Promised Land)
- The Judges (A Cycle of Sin and Redemption)
- The Kingdom Established (David?s Throne)
- The Prophets' Cry (Calls to Repentance)
- The Divided Kingdom (Israel and Judah)
- Exile and Return (A Nation in Ruins)
- The Prophecies of Hope (A Righteous King)
- The Promise of a New Covenant (Hearts Transformed)
- The Coming of the Messiah (A New Beginning)