Animosity rampant in this atmosphere, not afraid to die
Nonconformity, will not be constrained, see the glimmer in my eye' (Romans 12:2)
A relentless onslaught, experience persecution for faith
Unless; even death is on my side
I takes me to His arms, holy sacrifice of a martyr
Exist for the day I'm by His side
Hatred courses all around here, peaople want to see
Believe Jesus is the Son of God - for this would you dare to die'
As time goes by, your faith is tested hard
For having your faith in Jesus Christ y you're called to be strong
Under threat of death - The righteous will stand to the ending of the age
Persecution for faith, no price to great in this war we wage
As you look at me standing for my faith in Him, spit into my eyes
Overwhelming forced to see the truth; for a lie no one would die
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life
Nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come
Nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any created thing
Shall separate us from the love of God (Romans 8:38-39)
As time goes by, your faith is tested hard
For having your faith in Jesus Christ you're called to be strong
Under the threat of death - The righteous will stand to the ending of the age
To their very last breath; see their names write in the Book of Life's pages (Revelation 20:11-15)
In times gone past, men have given their lives to the last
In Christ's name, ignoring all the terrible pain
When under oppression, martyrs gave their lives for the Son
Can you do less' Are you really even oppressed'
You must live for Christ with every single breath
Even under the threat of death
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