See the Son glow up in the night,
God sent the holy soldiers through the sky,
White horse swings his sickle,
The one with the flaming eyes,
Until the curse is all but over, here's a pair of dice.
You can feel it in the air, and your heart is filled with terror.
Crushing boulders fall from the sky as defiant earth dwellers curse and cry,
White horse and his conquerors,
Fine linen and dressed in white,
The end of this Earth, Heaven and sky,
End of paradise.
You can feel it in the air, and your heart is filled with terror.
(But after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the power of the heavens will be shaken.)
You see, the end is calling'calling out through the ages,
Crime scenes of past and present,
Mysteries of turning pages,
You see, the end is calling'calling out through the ages,
Into a never ending end.