Let him who has understanding calculate the number
of the beast, for the number is that of a man;
and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.
Rev 13:18 (NASU)
And I saw another beast
Rise from the earth.
To exercise authority
On the dwellers of the earth.
He performs the miracles
In the presents of the beast.
And those who do not worship him
Soon they'll be deceased.
When the church is gone
And the beast rides high.
They'll shake their fists,
And curse at the sky.
A hot wind races toward them,
It's coming from the east.
As they choose to die or take,
The mark of the beast.
He causes all, the great,
The small, the rich, and the poor.
To take the mark upon their hand
Or buy and sell no more.
Those who take the beastly brand
They'll drink the wine of wrath,
Full strength in a cup of anger,
fiery flames, a fiery path.