I went to the sun, it was too hot,
Went to the moon, it was too cold,
Went to the mountain, it was too young,
Went to the ocean, it was too old.
Is it the same rain that falls on a holy man'
Is it the same rain that falls on a liar's hand'
Is it the same rain that falls on me'
I knew a man, a refugee, survival was his art,
All that he held valuable, he carried in his heart.
Is it the same rain that falls on the mountain's face'
Is it the same rain that falls on the prison gate'
Is it the same rain that falls on me'
All the money in the world, all the power it can buy, will not take your voice away, Cannot own what you hold inside.
Is it the same rain that falls on a poor man's room'
Is it the same rain that falls on a rich man's tomb'
Is it the same rain that falls on me'
Is it the same rain that falls on the raging sea'
Is it the same rain that falls on the hanging tree'
Is it the same rain that falls on me'