You'd better bet I, wanted to be there for you when your world was falling around
And you know I wanted to understand, to know what was goin' down
F-eels right, dancin' with the world
Now n-o time, can take away the pain ins-ide
But don't let go of the Father's hand
You know I'll bet you're one of the best
Take hold of the Father's plan
You know He'll take care of the rest
Who dr-agged you down, cycles go around and around
Th-ought you w-ould be, fr-ee
And I'm feelin', I could have been some help, by the way you make it sound
But all I wanted to hear you say, was that you wanted me around
F-elt right, you were with the world
Now n-o time, can take away the pain ins-ide
Th-ought you w-ould be, fr-ee
Yeah you're the only o-ne
You know I'll bet you're one of the best