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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Duets 2
Artist: Sandi Patty- He Watches Over You with BeBe Winans
- Unexpected Friends with Amy Grant
- If I Were You with Daryl Coley
- Always Deeper Still with Maia Amada and Veronica Petrucci
- He Shall Feed His Flock with Steven Curtis Chapman
- Is This Not The Carpenter with Susan Ashton
- Behold A King Shall Reign with BeBe Winans
- Emmanuel Medley with Larnelle Harris
- A Whole New World with David Phelps
- Get Happy Happy Days Are Here Again with Kathy Troccoli
- Precious Lord Take My Hand with Sandi Patty
- You Are Safe With Me with Kathie Lee Gifford
- Holy Night with Peabo Bryson