.... If I could take you away, I'd take you to a place where I can sing you to sleep, somewhere I don't have to scream.
To a place where I can open my chest without being afraid.
And there the future wouldn't writhe.
And there the future wouldn't writhe.
Where He reigns: Where it Rains: Where He reigns.
Take me to a place where tomorrow wouldn't cripple me with fear... cripple me with fear.
There tomorrow would not cripple me with fear.
There tomorrow would not cripple me with fear.
There, we could sit and talk the hours past and pain would wither in the radiance of His blessing, this blessing... of His blessing, this blessing.
Please bless this.
Father preserve us.
Maybe even our feet would never again touch the ground and it would rain every single day. Maybe even our feet would never again touch the ground and it would rain every single day.
No more sunshine and here we find comfort and rest, only and always in (always in) eternal Son shine (Son shine).