People say a Christian.... can't be sexy.
Connect four I'm removing 2,
because I'm only looking at you.
Like you connect me.
secretly wondering,
if you'll bless me.
Take my hand,
head to a remote location.
I promise to not loose my head,
if it's yes to the statement.
But if I do,
you can help me find it, as soon as our feet leave the pavement.
Minute we get though the door,
it's you that I'm taking.
I promise to be smoother than all the tracks,
in your sexiest rotation.
Let my heartbeat be the playlist.
No don't need for lingerie,
I'm a starving lion.
Dangle flesh, I take it,
Imma devour you naked.
But it's cool with me,
if you want to.
I know lace makes you feel beautiful,
desirable from the inside out.
That's where I want to be.
Lets lower these blinds down.
No need to make the clouds jealous.
We make fire blush, as our bodies touch.
This is our fantasy no one else's.
They can't come in, it's locked,
this is our place to be lost.
I'm lost in you,
you know my truths,
I share my secrets.
You whisper,
I.... love.... you.
There's only us,
heart's entangled,
as they dance the unspoken.
I twirl you around,
lift you above my shoulders,
so you can slide back down.
Let me show you my love,
I'll kiss the pain,
till it's washed away.
My hands slowly move towards your everglades,
You begin to forget your everyday.
You feel your legs... nervous,
start to shake.
You speak in breathes.
I'm about to taste,
the time that was left unnoticed.
Long enough to pause the world,
if only for a moment.
I'm falling deeper in,
this is it,
sink or swim.
1/2 past the point of no return,
1n1 becomes... 1.
You bite my ear,
I pull your hair.
You wear me like a blanket,
I cover you up.
As I remind you
You don't need that cover up,
you’re a natural beauty.
And I thank you for sharing,
lifetime of memories.
That have been prepared in...
a heart...
a mind...
a soul....
let it rewind.
I'll love you till the day,
that can never be sold,
Because it's only ours to own...
Pretend this hotel is our apartment
No kids nothing to do
Just get lost in the mood
While I get lost in you
but to embark in
This adventure
You bite my ear
I pull your hair

Trapper Keeper
Artist: Shep the Shepherd- Black Hole
- Blame
- Cali4nia Dream'n
- Chin-Chilean
- ChinChillian
- Happy Song
- Lost In Translation
- Ocean Blue
- PresSure
- Stand Up
- Traphic